
  • Peter Gan Universiti Sains Malaysia



Ietsism, atheism, theism, agnosticism


Although  ietsism,  which  comes  from  a  Dutch  term  referring  to  “somethingism,”  came  on  the  religious  scene  a  couple  of  decades  ago,  Anglophone  publications  springing  from  serious  reflections  on  this  term  have  only  just  recently  appeared.  This  paper  constitutes  an  attempt  at  addressing a couple of questions pertaining to this rather novel term. Two of  these  main  questions  concern  the  characteristics  of  ietsism  that  set  it  apart from other faith orientations, and the means by which ietsism is able to stand up to the test of its practical worth in terms of promising to fulfil a profound need in human life.


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How to Cite

Gan, Peter. 2022. “IS THERE SOMETHING WORTHWHILE IN SOMETHINGISM?”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):171–193.



Research Articles