Indexing and Ranking
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion is indexed by the following services:
- Web of Science / AHCI (Clarivate Analytics)
- ERIH Plus
- Ulrich’s Web
- The Philosopher’s Index (Philosopher’s Information Center)
- RTAbstract
- PhilPapers
- Philosopher’s Index (EBSCOhost)
- Index Theologicus (ixTheo)
- CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure, 中国知网)
- SCIMAGO Journal Ranking
Increased visibility
- OJS uses keywords and custom tags throughout, full-text indexing is supported and Google Scholar even suggests the use of OJS for better inclusion in search results.
- OJS also adheres to the Open Archives InitiativeProtocol for Metadata Harvesting, which is the emerging standard for providing well-indexed access to electronic research resources on a global scale.
- Abstracts are freely accessible and in HTML so to ensure better indexing by search engines and aggregators such as PhilPapers. Since many users rely on finding articles through abstracting and indexing (A&I) services, these was a priority.