Introduction. The Evolutionary Approach to Ethics: From Animal Prosociality to Human Morality.




Evolutionary Ethics, Animal Prosociality, Evolutionary Debunking Arguments, Biological Roots of Behaviors


Evolutionary research on the biological fitness of groups has recently given a prominent value to the role that prosocial behaviors play in favoring a successful adaptation to ecological niches. Such a focus marks a paradigm shift. Early views of evolution relied on the notion of natural selection as a largely competitive mechanism for the achievement of the highest amount of resources. Today, evolutionists from different schools think that collaborative attitudes are an irremovable ingredient of biological change over time. As a consequence, a number of researchers have been attracted by evolutionary studies of human behaviors. Some think that a continuity among prosocial attitudes of human beings and other social mammals (particularly primates) can be detected, and that this fact has relevance for accounting for human morality. Others deny one or the other of these claims, or both. The papers in the present special issue address how these topics impact ethics and religion.


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How to Cite

Bertini, Daniele. 2020. “Introduction. The Evolutionary Approach to Ethics: From Animal Prosociality to Human Morality”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):3-22.



Special Issue - Evolutionary Research on Morality and Theological Ethics