On the Axiology of a Hidden God





axiology of theology, divine hiddenness, pro-theism


The axiological question in the philosophy of religion is the question of what impact, if any, God’s existence does (or would) make to the axiological value of our world. It has recently been argued that we should prefer a theistic world where God is hidden to an atheistic world or a theistic world where God isn’t hidden. This is because in a hidden theistic world all of the theistic goods obtain in addition to the experience of atheistic goods. I complete this line of argument by showing that theistic goods do (or could) indeed obtain in a world where God hides. In doing so I indirectly argue against proponents of divine hiddenness arguments such as J.L. Schellenberg. The correct answer to the axiological question turns out to be a solution to the problem of divine hiddenness.


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How to Cite

Lougheed, Kirk. 2018. “On the Axiology of a Hidden God”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (4):79-95. https://doi.org/10.24204/ejpr.v10i4.2521.



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