Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the Editor).
The manuscript is no longer than (manuscripts exceeding these limits cannot be considered, unless you have agreed an alternative length with the editorial team):
- Research articles: 9000 words, including abstract, footnotes, and references
- Discussion&Replies: 4000 words
- Book Reviews: 2000 words
- The manuscript has been thoroughly checked for typos, grammatical errors, omitted words and missing parts.
- The submitted manuscript is in PDF-format and ready for double-blind review.
- Where available, URLs / DOIs for the references have been provided and a citation software was used. (If the paper is accepted, providing a bibliography file is mandatory!)
- A .doc, .docx or .odt-format copy of the submitted manuscript is also attached at step 4 ("Upload Supplementary Files").
For Research Articles and Replies: A list of four potential reviewers is provided (in Word or PDF-format) at step 4 ("Upload Supplementary Files").
Please note:
a) At least one reviewer should be an early career researcher.
b) Do not include anyone who has a serious conflict of interest (for instance, do not include anyone who has a strong interest in your paper being accepted for publication).
c) Please structure the list as follows:Name of reviewer 1:
Institutional Affiliation:
Personal Homepage (if available):
Name of reviewer 2:
Institutional Affiliation:
Personal Homepage (if available):
etc.This list of experts provides a valuable resource for the editors and can make the peer review process quicker!
- The final draft of the manuscript (after the paper is accepted for publication) will be prepared in strict compliance to the EJPR Style-Sheet. You can find templates and helpful advice here.
In the event of withdrawal of your article, after the review process in complete, you will need to pay a retract fee of $500 immediately or your paper will be deposited in a repository, which means that you will not be able to publish it anywhere in any other journal.
Please write the following statement in the box provided and submit
“I understand that if I approve to pay the APC charges, I cannot withdraw my manuscript. If I withdraw, I agree to pay a retract fee of $500 or my paper may be deposited in the repository
Research Articles
All submission to this section must be based on original research and include a clearly written abstract.