
The Challenge of Theodicy and the Divine Access to the Universe

Thomas Schärtl
The Catholic University of America

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24204/ejpr.v1i1.333


Any new attempt to cope with the problem of theodicy is forced to reinterpret and remodify the classic set of divine attributes. Classical monotheism, at least in the Christian or Islamic tradition, emphasizes the concept of God as a personal, almighty being who is in a completely free relation to the world. However, even within Christianity we find other tendencies which might help us to rewrite the idea that God has some sort of libertarian and unrestricted access to the world. The following article raises the question whether God, as an absolute being, can influence the course of the world directly. The answer to this question has an enormous impact on the problem of theodicy: If God’s non-intervention is based on God’s essence (rather than any form of initial self-restriction), then God cannot be held directly responsible for not performing direct acts of intervention. 


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